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Double Incentives

The MasterChef contract gives out a constant number of SUSHI per Block. It is the only address with minting rights for the SUSHI token. Therefore any incentive mechanism must be based upon that contract. The idea for this MasterChef V2 (MCV2) contract is therefore to be the owner of a dummy token that is deposited into the MasterChef V1 (MCV1) contract. The allocation point for this pool on MCV1 is the total allocation point for all pools that receive double incentives.

The MasterChef contract gives out a constant number of SUSHI per Block. It is the only address with minting rights for the SUSHI token. Therefore any incentive mechanism must be based upon that contract. The idea for this MasterChef V2 (MCV2) contract is therefore to be the owner of a dummy token that is deposited into the MasterChef V1 (MCV1) contract. The allocation point for this pool on MCV1 is the total allocation point for all pools that receive double incentives.

The distribution logic from MCV1 is taken over and simplified with the key differentiator that the allocation of SUSHI for all pools is calculated through the allocation towards the master pool on MCV1 instead of being a constant.

Reward Contracts are set at Pool Addition, all Logic is executed on those.

Instead of doing token transfers on deposit and withdrawal, instead, the rewardDebt is changed accordingly. As it now is allowed to go negative, it is changed to a signed integer. The appropriate version of SignedSafeMath is used with an additional safe conversion to uint256.

UserInfo should only be changed for msg.sender

amount How many LP tokens the user has provided, should be equal to lp.balanceOf(user)

rewardDebt keeps track of how much the user is owed or has been credited already

PoolInfo keeps information on LP position

accSushiPerShare Accumulated SUSHIs per share, times 1e12.

allocPoint How many allocation points assigned to this pool

lastRewardBlock Last block number that SUSHIs distribution occurs.

MasterChef address of MasterChef contract (0xc2EdaD668740f1aA35E4D8f227fB8E17dcA888Cd)

sushi address of sushi contract (0x6b3595068778dd592e39a122f4f5a5cf09c90fe2)

MASTER_PID pool id of dummy Token on MasterChef V1

totalAllocPoint Total allocation points. Must be the sum of all allocation points in all pools.

The following arrays should be accessed by the same index pid

PoolInfo[] public poolInfo

IRewarder[] public rewarder

Pulls the balance of the dummyToken from msg.sender and deposit it in MasterChef V1 in the dummy token pool.

Adds a reward pool for a specified LP Token with an allocation point and a rewarder contract by adding to the poolInfo , rewarder und lpToken array.

Emits the Index of the newly added pool (pid) among the above parameter.

Updates the given pools identified by the array index pid with a new allocation point and changes the rewarder contract if overwrite is true.

Update reward variables of the given pool to be up-to-date.

accSushiPerShare is the accumulated amount of Sushi per share of this pool and increased by the difference of block.number and lastRewardBlock times the percentage the MasterChefV2 pool has in MCV1 and the percentage this pool has in MCV2 times the constant emission of SUSHI per block (100) divided by the number of LP tokens in this pool.

Calculates the amount of Sushi a given user can harvest from a given pool. The amount of sushi for a user is the number of LP token a user has in this pool (user.amount) times accSushiPerShare minus the rewardDebt

A depositor deposits LP tokens into a given pool to a given user. user.amount is increased according to the amount. The rewardDebt is increased by amount added times pool.accSushiPerShare / ACC_SUSHI_PRECISION to ensure that the user does not gain rewards from the past.

The rewarder contract is called with the new lp token amount of the user. Only afterwards the lp tokens are transferred to the rewarder.

A user withdraws LP tokens from a given pool to a given address. user.amount is decreased according to the amount. The rewardDebt is decreased by amount added times pool.accSushiPerShare / ACC_SUSHI_PRECISION .

The rewarder contract is called with the new lp token amount of the user. Only afterwards the lp tokens are transferred to the rewarder.

Allows a user to withdraw the pending amount of Sushi to a given address.

The pending amount is user.amount times accSushiPerShare / ACC_SUSHI_PRECISION - user.rewardDebt.

The rewardDebt needs to be increased to mark the withdrawal to user.amount times accSushiPerShare / ACC_SUSHI_PRECISION.

A call is executed to the rewarder with the function call of onSushiReward defined by the interface below.

function sushiPerBlock() public view returns (uint256 amount) {


.mul(masterChef.poolInfo(MASTER_PID).allocPoint) / masterChef.totalAllocPoint();

Projects that want to give out additional incentives can do so by creating a contract that follows the interface below.

function onSushiReward(uint256 pid, address user, address recipient, uint256 sushiAmount, uint256 newLpAmount) external;

function pendingTokens(uint256 pid, address user, uint256 sushiAmount) external view returns (IERC20[] memory, uint256[] memory);

The function onSushiReward is executed on the distribution of rewards with the user and the amount of Sushi given out being specified. The responsibility of implementing additional rewards now lies in the hands of the other project.

In Addition to the data currently provided to MasterChef on pool addition a rewarder is added, the new interface for add is, therefore:

function add(uint256 allocPoint, IERC20 _lpToken, IRewarder _rewarder) public onlyOwner;

Sushi has to be manually harvested from MCV1 to be able to withdrawn.

function harvestFromMasterChef () public {

masterChef.deposit(MASTER_PID, 0);

In the current draft, the exact pending amount has to be available for a withdraw to succeed. This may cause issues because of rounding errors in case there is only one user in the pool but also protects the user from withdrawing without their allocated SUSHI.

Changes of Total Allocation in MCV1 and allocation of Master Pool

If the total Allocation of MCV1 is changed or the allocation point of the master pool, all pools on MCV2 have to be updated as well before the update on MCV1, the Gnosis Safe should be used to update within the same transaction.